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About Us
This website used to be current. It still is, but it used to too. After 2017, the server that hosted the website was hacked by this guy. Through the power of Pat, he found the website atop a mountain in Kansas that reached above the clouds, thus was able to restore it. Now in the year {if year !=2023 output| } 'this year' ##don't leave code visible on site} 2023, Pat's Guitar Shed is back in business!!
About Pat. Pat Guitarshed (pictured below) was born on April 20, 1969. Described as a nice day, he doesn't remember much else about it. In 1954, he managed to learn the accordion when trading a used fire extinguisher at the annual pick up garbage event in his hometown. The accordion lasted five minutes when the reeds fell into the bellose, but the skills of selling instruments was granted overnight! In 1961, Pat was nearly fired from his job at the gas station he owned, so he staged a coup and ousted himself, granting himself a new title of Permanent Owner. The Pro Bass shop floundered due to confused and angry customers not getting what they expected. Pat insisted the name was correct, until a local fisherman asked him to try dropping a sick beat with a fishing rod. Pat did, embarrassing and hurting the experienced fisherman of 60 years. Realizing the confusion at long last, he spent the year between December 31 1961 and 1 Jan 1962 devising a new marketing strategy. "Pat's Guitar Station" blew up in popularity during the great Indiana Hurricane of 1965. Due to this, he renamed it to "Pat's Guitar Shed" despite laughing at how similar it sounded to his own name. Pat Guitarshed now lives in Pat's Guitar Shed patting Pat's Guitar Sheds by Pat's Guitar Shed Patting Pat's Guitar Shed Shed.